Shiloh Mesa Street Repairs 7/17 - 7/29 - No Street Parking

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UPDATE: NO PARKING ON THE STREET: Please do not park on the street during the day from July 17 through July 29. Please note the specific areas on the attached maps below. The area on Kenosha has expanded west to Sandsmere. The compaction grouting that is being done is not all that intrusive, but it will require machines to drill into the street and inject grout to stabilize the soil under the roads. Parking is allowed outside of work hours, before 8:00 AM and after 5:00 PM. 



We will be performing street repairs throughout the Shiloh Mesa neighborhood from July 17 through July 29. Once we get closer to the start date, I will hand out door hangers for specific addresses that may have to park away from the areas of repairs. We will be starting in Filing 5 and working north.